Children's Services Mission: Riverside County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), Children's Services Division protects children and youth from abuse and neglect, and partners with families, young adults, and communities to build safety, permanency, and well-being. Westchester County Child Protective Services is responsible for investigating allegations of the abuse or maltreatment of children that are directly caused by the actions of the child’s parent or caretaker or are allowed to happen to the child by the parent or caretaker.
Child Protective Services (CPS) is the name of a governmental agency in many states of the United States responsible for providing child protection, which includes responding to reports of child abuse or neglect.
Adult Protective Services News. “We are happy that many of our residents have been able to qualify for this program that provides nutritious food to families as we continue to battle COVID-19,” said Allison Gonzalez, assistant director of Self-Sufficiency for the Riverside County Department of Public Social Services. Child Protective Services, Riverside County is committed to taking the lead in protecting children entrusted to our care or protection from further abuse and neglect. 24 Hour Child Abuse Hotline: 800.442.4918 24 Hour Adult Protective Services Hotline: 800.491.7123 24 Hour Fraud Hotline: 800.344.8477 Kinship & Youth Warmline: 800.303.0001 24 Hour Child Abuse Hotline: 800.442.4918 24 Hour Adult Protective Services Hotline: 800.491.7123 24 Hour Fraud Hotline: 800.344.8477 Kinship & Youth Warmline: 800.303.0001 Posted on 6/22/2020 3:17:47 PM. Riverside County San Bernardino County Upon request services in other counties and out of State are available Dr. Connerley has provided child custody evaluation services to the local Superior Court since 2002 Hinson, Krysta, LMFT Riverside County 24885 Whitewood Road 102 Murrieta, CA 92563 Phone: (951) 775-9519 Email: If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call (800) 342-3720 or 911 . 24 Hour Child Abuse Hotline: 800.442.4918 24 Hour Adult Protective Services Hotline: 800.491.7123 24 Hour Fraud Hotline: 800.344.8477 Kinship & Youth Warmline: 800.303.0001 We are a public Child Protective Service (CPS) agency mandated to investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect. For Immediate Release. June 22, 2020 Contact: Gene Kennedy Senior Public Information Specialist (951) 203-0343. In Riverside County, there are 130,000 students who qualify for this one-time food benefit. Providing individualized interventions to families which afford the opportunities for children to be raised in homes free of abuse and neglect. Riverside County Partners Earn National Award for Helping Homeless Seniors . Some states use other names, often attempting to reflect more family-centered (as opposed to child-centered) practices, such as Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS).