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While there's no federally sanctioned safety guidance on when a tire is too old to be safe, many carmakers recommend replacement at six years from the date of manufacture. This is the standard form for every date code on motorcycle tires … The tire’s born-on-date, commonly known as a Date Code, is a standardized 4 digit number indicating the Week of and the Year of tire manufacture.

These last four digits of the DOT code represent the manufacture date of the tire. Method to Decode Bridgestone Tyre Manufacturing Date: Now without wasting any time, let’s talk about the manufacturing date of Bridgestone tires. The problem with that is that a tire manufactured in the 14th week of 1985 would likely carry the same date stamp.

Forcing manufacturers to use a four-digit date code is obviously an improvement in clarity. In this video, I show you how to read motorcycle tire manufacture date codes. DOT R5HG FHR 404 would indicate a tire manufactured in the 40th week of 1994 (or 1984, or '74).

On this Michelin tire, the date code is “2118.”. A tire's plant of origin and date of manufacture can be determined by examining the series of letters and numbers called the Tire Identification Number (TIN) on each tire. Expired Tires are a Hidden Hazard Tire aging is a “hidden hazard” because most consumers don’t know that tires expire in six years and it is difficult for most consumers to tell how old a tire is without deciphering an 11 digit code that is imprinted on the side of the tire. Tires built before 2000 featured a three-digit date code at the end of the Tire Identification Number. In this case, there will only be three digits at the end of the DOT code.

For example, a date code such as 306 would let you know that the tire was built in the 30th week of a year ending in 6. In the image below, we see the 07, indicating the tire was build in 2007. It's important to know the age of your tires because tires can crack with age, not just with mileage. According to the European Tyre and Rim Technical Organisation (ETRTO), tyres are "new" for 5 years from the date of manufacture when stored in optimal conditions. The number “18” represents the year 2018. The first two numbers represent the week of manufacture, the last two numbers indicate the year. Your best resource for this is the tire manufacturer's website! Six years from the date of manufacture, most tires are no longer safe for use on a vehicle. The standard form displays the date of manufacture by week and year. Tires including Spare Tires that recommends: "While most tires will need replacement before they achieve 10 years, it is recommended that any tires in service 10 years or more from the date of manufacture, including spare tires, be replaced with new tires as a simple precaution even if such tires… The last two digits refer to the year the tire was produced, and the first two digits identify the week number within that year.

Tires Manufactured Since 2000. These digits will be all numerals such as 2108 or 3310. This particular tire was made in the 35th week of 2007. A tire manufactured in the 14th week of 1995 would have a date stamp of 145. On tires that were manufactured in 2000 and after, the … The first 2 are the week and the last 2 are the year.