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Excel will make a copy of the worksheet.

Oil changes, tire rotation, tune ups, fluid checks, inspection, registration, track up to 12 different items of your choice. Back To Fleet Maintenance Spreadsheet. Make a note of reminders to get your brakes checked and your air filters changed. The vehicles maintenance log helps to create a track of the services provided in the form of the oil change, gear repair etc.

So I am trying to set up a spreadsheet for a fleet of vehicles that will alert me to when a particular truck needs a regular service. barry houdini MrExcel MVP. The only calculation is the SUM() formula used to display the total cost. You can track maintenance by either date, mileage or both with the Vehicle Maintenance Reminder spreadsheet.-Requires Excel 2007 or Newer-Macros NOT required It is easy to recognize the services, which a certain vehicle is given. Free Custom Fleet Management Reports Geotab Spreadsheet Dow. Change the D2 & C2 to whatever cell rows you need them to be.

Thank you for visiting. – This excel spreadsheet for Car Fleet Management will be useful for those who should manage many cars.

Do you need to track maintenance based on a date or mileage? When you start keeping a log, inspect your vehicle and write down all the details. Joined Mar 23, 2005 Messages 20,825. Car service spreadsheet is tested on Microsoft Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 and 365 for Windows.

I have the (A)column with the Vehicle #s, the(B)column with the current mileage on the vehicles, and the (C)column with the mileage when the oil change is due. Then in another cell enter: =IF(MOD(A1,5000)>=4900,"Change oil","") This Car Fleet Management spreadsheet is the spreadsheet you might need if you are managing more than one car in your company and need to do organizing, tracking and reporting in a single excel spreadsheet. Fleet Vehicle Maintenance Log … =IF(AND(B2>=2500, B2<2900),"Change Oil Soon", IF(B2>2900, "Change Oil Now","")) I was hoping to write it and get an epiphany of how to write it so that when I do change my oil, I can note it in D2 with an X, and then that'll be the new starting point for Excel to reference. All in One Fleet Management Solution: Easily track Auto Repairs, Create Preventive Maintenance Activity Schedule, Track Service Cost, Mileage, Requisition & Fuel … Hi, my job is to keep track of approaching oil changes needed. Auto Maintenance Log Template Familycourt Us. Finally all pictures we've been displayed in this site will inspire you all.

What I am looking for is a way to calculate how close I am to my next oil change in cell j3.