Refresh your IBC and ACI 318-14 code knowledge, successfully pass your 2018 ICC B2 Building Inspector Exam.Our comprehensive interactive Building Inspector exam preparation system is your best, most affordable path to guarantee ICC certification!.
Provides technical, educational, and administrative support to governmental departments and agencies engaged in building codes administration and enforcement.
New Building inspectors, on average, earn $59,000 per year. Get the best visual resource for learning all four categories (electrical, plumbing, mechanical (HVAC), and building) of the International Residential Code (IRC) available. The International Codes (I-Codes) are the widely accepted, comprehensive set of model codes used in the US and abroad to help ensure the engineering of safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. With our help, Preparing for your ICC B2 Certification Test has never been easier! Please visit the ICC website for more details. The Code Council's Exam Development Committees (EDC) for the Certification program have been reexamining the combination designations, as mentioned in the August 20 issue of ICC eNews. Become a Certified ICC Residential or Commercial Building Inspector. CB200-01 Introduction to the 2012 International Building Codes (14) CB200-02 Introduction to the 2012 International Building Code (35) CB203-01 '09 Commercial Building Inspection (20) CB203-02 '12 Commercial Building Inspector (20)
Join now. According to the ICC: “The Certified Building Official is responsible for the development, administration, interpretation, application and enforcement of the codes … Supplying members of the public with the information they need regarding building safety and other related topics is a key portion of each ICC certification exam.
Certified Building Official Exam: The Certified Building Official certification is for persons who may serve as building officials. ICC certification is recognized everywhere in the United States. With our help, Preparing for your ICC B2 Certification Test has never been easier! The International Code Council (ICC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to developing model codes and standards used in the design, build and compliance process. The International Code Council, or ICC, is an organization that develops codes and standards for the building and construction industries.
What Is ICC Certification?. For example, a permit technician is responsible for having knowledge of the processes for obtaining grants in one's state, compliance codes, and how to pass inspections when they arise. England Training Division, LLC was established in 1992 as the only company in the southeast to assist federal, state and local jurisdictions with the training and implementation of the International Building Codes. Pass the ICC B2 Commercial Building Inspector exam! The course includes 10 learning modules, 10 review quizzes (one after each module) and a 60 question practice exam.