The New Hampshire Safe Boating Certificate will arrive within 2-3 weeks after you complete all certification requirements. back to topics Replacement of Lost or Damaged Documents. In New Hampshire, the Department of Safety imposes the following age-based boating restrictions: Boaters who are at least 16 years old and want to operate a vessel with 25 HP or more, must hold a boater education certificate. Only approved courses will supply an official New Hampshire Safe Boater Education Certificate issued by the New Hampshire Department of Safety.
Boating safety education certification is not the same thing as a Boating license. Under state law, anyone age 16 or older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating certificate. You need education if you are at least 16 years old and will be operating a motorboat over 25 hp or a ski craft in New Hampshire. Operators are exempt from needing to get their New Hampshire boating license if they have: Under the provisions of New Hampshire RSA 270-D:14, a "14 Day Temporary Certificate" option will be made available whereby a boater who takes the test and passes it will be issued a boating safety certificate valid only in the State of New Hampshire and for only 14 days. Any vessel that is registered in another state or Canadian province may operate on New Hampshire waters for 30 consecutive days or less without a NH boat registration. A New Hampshire Safe Boating Certificate is not needed if the vessel is powered by a motor of 25 horsepower or less. Register Your Boat. New Hampshire accepts the following boating education certificates: A boating certificate issued by another State agency and NASBLA approved. New Hampshire to offer online boater safety certificate. Everyone 16 years of age and older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate. New Hampshire requires those who operate motorboats over 25 horsepower to be at least 16 years old and to hold a boating education certificate. Don't Harass Wildlife -- Killing or deliberately harassing water birds through the operation of a boat is "Taking" wildlife (fines of $1,000 or more, and loss of fishing license). Find out if you need the card. Exemptions to New Hampshire Boater Education Requirements. CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — New boaters in New Hampshire can soon get certified online. New Hampshire has a mandatory boating education law. Everyone 16 years of age and older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate. You can get the New Hampshire Safe Boating Certificate by taking this boat safety course at (NASBLA-approved boating certificates issued by other states are acceptable.) Everyone 16 years of age and older who operates a motorboat over 25 horsepower on New Hampshire waters must have a boating education certificate. Do a search under the name of your state and “boat registration” to get started, and make sure that you have the old title from the seller as well as a bill of sale. Start the Course → Start a new Quiz Get your boating license or boater education card today! Find a class at Study and pass the $32.00 course, … Hot Take this New Hampshire–approved course to complete your online boating safety education. Depending on your state and age, you may need successfully complete a boater education course to legally operate a boat. New boaters in New Hampshire can soon get certified online. Learn More Register for the Course Study Guide for New Hampshire Temporary Safe Boating Certificate As of January 1, 2008, New Hampshire requires that all boat operators take and successfully pass a boating safety course approved by the New Hampshire Marine Patrol or a NASBLA approved course. Did you lose your card? New Hampshire accepts the following boating education certificates: A boating certificate issued by another State agency and NASBLA approved. New Hampshire has a mandatory boating education law. Click the button below to begin. While … This boat safety certificate must be obtained by completing an approved boating course and passing the New Hampshire …