Whereas, the Township Board, Charter Township of Portage, Houghton County, Michigan, deems it necessary, in order to conserve the value of property in the Township and to the end that building Search for: Zoning Ordinance & Map. 30 of the code book, is ... Because the St. Joseph, Portage and Rocky Rivers converge in our community it made an ideal trading location. Ordinances ~ City of Three Rivers, MI.
The powers and jurisdiction of the ZBA are specified in the City of Portage Zoning Ordinance (Section 42-620 to 42-623) and include the granting of variances, interpretations, temporary uses and other appeals as authorized in the ordinance.
As defined and provided in the Zoning Ordinance: (a) No person shall possess or keep small livestock on a zoning lot or parcel less than five (5) contiguous acres in size without a special approval use and complying with all special approval use conditions on allowed number, maintenance, location, and containment area requirements.
Tiny houses will have to comply with those requirements and those that do not will be illegal. Zoning Ordinance. The City’s Zoning Ordinance; i.e., Ch. All meetings are open to the public and public notices are completed prior to a public hearing. (b) No person shall possess or keep hoofed livestock on …
Zoning Bo…
Before the construction, enlargement, alteration, … SECTION 1.3 HISTORY AND REPEAL OF PRIOR ORDINANCES The previous Portage Township Zoning Ordinance was adopted and became effective on April 6, 1976, Chapter 1296.07. To learn more about the zoning process please feel free to call 269-329-4475 or email the Department of Community Development. NOTE: Ordinances may have been passed but not yet codified, so check with your city clerk's office for the most updated information.
ADJOURNMENT: The City of Battle Creek …
While most municipalities do not expressly provide for them, tiny houses will still be subject to municipal zoning ordinance requirements if the municipality imposes minimum size requirements for dwelling units.
Today, we continue to enjoy the many benefits of living in such a great location. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 10, 2018 Zoning Board Meeting Minutes 8. This Ordinance shall be known as the OSHTEMO CHARTER TOWNSHIP ZONING ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PORTAGE, MICHIGAN BY AMENDING SECTION 42-262, 42-280, and 42-281 OF ARTICLE 4, DIVISION 4, AND SECTION 42-129 ARTICLE 4, DIVISION 3, OF CHAPTER 42, LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS THE CITY OF PORTAGE ORDAINS: That Chapter 42 shall be amended to add Section 42-262(B)(16) to Article 4, Division 4, Zoning … Petition is for Tara Hampton 5610 N. Red Pine Circle Portage MI 49009. Administers and updates the City of Portage Zoning Ordinance, including Zoning Map, and Subdivision Control Ordinance Prepares and maintains long-range growth strategies, including the City of Portage Comprehensive Plan, City of Portage Northside Master Plan, Central Avenue Business District Master Plan, and planning south of U.S. Hwy 6. COMMENTS BY THE MEMBERS: 10. Michigan Ordinances & Code. 7. MunicodeNEXT, the industry's leading search application with over 3,300 codes and growing!
Request is made for a Dimensional Variance to allow a sign larger than 18” allowed by the ordinance to be installed.
This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority and requirements of the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act (MZEA), Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended, and other applicable acts related to specific uses. Charter Township of Portage Zoning Ordinance SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1 AUTHORITY . VILLAGE ZONING ORDINANCE. The ZBA is authorized by Michigan statute and helps ensure that the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance are met, public safety secured, and substantial justice is done.
To learn more about the development project review process, please feel free to call 269-329-4475 or email the Department of Community Development. Most construction projects require a building permit to ensure compliance with the Portage Zoning Code and Michigan Construction Codes. © Copyright 2020 Mackinac County, Michigan | All Rights Reserved | Website by MCGWD | SitemapWebsite by MCGWD | Sitemap Many Michigan cities and townships have ordinances available at Municode.. Others have ordinances available through the American Legal Publishing Corporation.. ZONING ORDINANCE BY SECTION AS PDF Table of Contents (114k) Article 1: Title, Purposes and Legal Clauses (78k) Article 5: Definitions (501k) Article 10: General Regulations (455k) Article 18: General Zoning District Provisions (101k) Article 40: Residential District (67k) Article 50: Commercial/Residential District (83k) Article 70: Portage Lake Shoreline Overlay …
City of Portage Code of Ordinances. COMMENTS BY THE PUBLIC: 9.
With regard to zoning requirements for one-family residential building projects, please review the One-Family Zoning Regulations (PDF) and the Lakefront Construction Guide on residential property (PDF).