Ordem formada por chamas azuis e vermelhas que causam caos, … 19 °P sammeln. Plot.
Todos Episódios de K Return of Kings No Japão moderno, onde a ficção estranhamente se misturou com a realidade, existem sete “Reis” com grandes superpoderes. K: Return Of Kings - In modern Japan, where history has strangely overlapped with reality. There, seven "Kings" with great superpowers existed. The series is set when Japan is secretly being ruled by … Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands. K RETURN OF KINGS|最新作から名作までアニメをたっぷり楽しめる動画配信サービス!月額1,000円(税抜)で対象の作品が見放題!初回は無料でおためし頂けます。スマートフォン、パソコン、タブレット、テレビで大好きなアニメを楽しもう!
1. K is a 2012 anime series created by the animation studio GoHands and GoRA, a group consisting of seven anonymous authors known as Kōhei Azano, Tatsuki Miyazawa, Yukako Kabei, Yashichiro Takahashi, Hideyuki Furuhashi, Suzu Suzuki, and Rei Rairaku.It is directed by Shingo Suzuki, who also serves as character designer for the series.
Order bound by blue, red flames that cause chaos, irregularities that shine in white, and reforms branched off into green.
Similar Anime to K: Return of Kings. Following the events of K Missing Kings, the Green Clan JUNGLE has been spreading its influence, causing friction with the Red Clan HOMRA and the Blue Clan SCEPTER 4. GoHands and Shingo Suzuki are returning to produce and direct the anime, respectively. A new anime project featuring an original story by GoRA and GoHands, titled K: Seven Stories, has been green-lit. Zur Bildergalerie-13%.
Here are six anime similar to K: Return of Kings. He had been fascinated with the stories about street gangs and the fast-paced live there.
Regie: Kanazawa, Hiromichi. His first day there he runs into the legendary “Black Rider”. In den Warenkorb. Durarara!! Following the death of the Gold King, the safety of the Dresden Slate, the source of power of the Kings, is under threat. The new anime series, K: Return of Kings, aired from October 3, 2015 to December 26, 2015, rounding up the anime series and delivering its ending.
The war escalates when the Green King, Nagare Hisui, sends his men to attack Kuro and Neko, forcing the return of the Silver King, Yashiro Isana. 『K RETURN OF KINGS 第12話 「Knuckle bump」』 K (アニメ)『K』(ケイ)は、GoHands制作による日本のオリジナルアニメ作品。2012年10月から12月まで第1期がMBSほかにて放送された。2014年7月12日に映画『劇場版 K Regie: Kanazawa, Hiromichi. Junto de seus seguidores com quem dividiam seu poder, cada rei formava um clã. Various formats from 240p to 720p HD (or even 1080p). Watch online and download K: Return of Kings anime in high quality. ANIME TV GOGO ANIME 目次に戻る 第13話(最終回)『Kings』 最深部に辿り着いたシロとネコは“石盤”と繋がり、さらなる力を得た比水と対峙する。アンナと《吠舞羅》によって開かれる地下への道。“石盤”を砕くため、シロの辿り着い
Sofort lieferbar. Along with their clansman to whom they shared their own power with, the kings each formed clans.
K - Return of Kings - Volume 1 - Episoden 01-05. Statt 43,99 €** 38,46 € versandkostenfrei * inkl. Ich weiß ich habe diese Frage schon vorher gestellt, aber vielleicht weiß ja jetzt jemand Bescheid ^^ Wisst ihr wo man den Film:"K-Project Missing Kings" im Internet gucken kann? Tensions are running high among the clans as the Green King begins making moves that threaten to drive the world into pandemonium.
**Früherer Preis. Episodes: 24; Aired: Jan 2010 – June 2010; Mikado Ryugamine is convinced by his friend to move to Tokyo. Read reviews on the anime K: Return of Kings on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database.
Return of Kings Assembly Firing Battle of the Dance Chase On Base The Dresden Slate Past and future Discussion Our Home Narcissism Kismet Sword of Damocles Kizuna The fatal day The Kagutsu Incident Attack of the Green K vs K Message from Prison Welcome If you die.. We believe in you Fly again Anime; Home; Film; Filme auf DVD; Anime; K - Return of Kings - Volume 1 - Episoden 01-05.