SBB publishes over 220 steel price series updated regularily. The LME cash-settled ferrous contracts were designed in close consultation with the steel community to meet their risk-management needs.
Reviewed and approved by the OECD Steel Committee, they are disseminated approximately twice a year to the public to allow policymakers, industry, media and academia to keep abreast of the main trends and recent developments.. This document is part of a regular monitoring exercise to provide the Steel Committee with timely information on steel market developments.
Recent market developments in the global steel industry.
Steel traded at USD 474 per metric ton on 15 May, which was down 8.7% from the same day in April. All our ferrous contracts are underpinned by leading and carefully selected index providers, and are tradable on LMEselect and via the inter-office market out to 15 months.
SteelOrbis is the primary information source preferred by thousands of firms for its up-to-date European steel prices, European market analyses and news, as it closely follows the European hot rolled coil and cold rolled coil markets. Steel Prices: Find Latest Stories, Special Reports, News & Pictures on Steel Prices.
SBB's price analyser, price forecaster, provides accurate stainless steel prices.
It provides a brief update on recent developments in steel markets, based on … Price quotation: US dollars per tonne: Clearable currency: US dollars: Minimum price fluctuation (tick size) per tonne: Outright : Carries : LMEselect : $0.50 : $0.01 : Inter-office : $0.01 : $0.01 : Termination of trading: Last business day of the contract month until 16:30 London time: Daily settlement procedure Accuracy, price analyser for easy comparison, steel prices forecast. Steel (USA) Price Outlook Prices for hot-rolled coil U.S. steel continued to fall over the last few weeks, as the coronavirus pandemic suppressed manufacturing activity and restrained global demand. Read expert opinions, top news, insights and trends on The Economic Times. European Union (EU) Steel Prices, News and Analysis. European Steel prices are computed from a weighted average (based on consumption) of the low values identified in the top five consuming countries for each product in the relevant period – collected in national currencies and converted into Euros using currency exchange rates effective at the start of each month to provide a basis for comparisons.
Steel Market Developments provides up-to-date information on global and regional steel markets.
SBB steel prices and indexes are researched, analysed and published for a range of steel products in the markets.