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COMMENTS. This feature allows customers to confirm receipt and file date of their documents by NVDC. Our US vessel documentation site has so much more to offer than just this search, however. If you are able to find the relevant vessel using a name search, then you are likely to receive information relating to that boat. PARTNERS. United States Coast Guard U.S. Department of Homeland Security. : Vessel Owner: Search. If you have decided that you want to find out more about your boat by performing a USCG vessel documentation search by name, then you may want the assistance of the Maritime Documentation Center. Administrative Adjudications.
USCG documentation search by name is one of the easiest ways to find out the info you need to about a US vessel. Please click HERE. How to perform a US Coast Guard Documentation Search. Search U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office: Search. Vessel Information Verification Service - Search Please provide your specific vessel information in at least one of the search fields below to begin your search.
CG Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) CG Hearing Office; Containers.
QUICK START GUIDE. Boat owners file the information with the USCG and become part of a list that is updated quarterly by the Coast Guard. ... Other Vessels (Non-CG) USCGC Tampa Notable People. Search U.S. Coast Guard Historian's Office: Search. States. PARAMETERS . This documentation is a privilege available only to US citizens who own a vessel that meets the requirements of the USCG. The National Vessel Movement Center (NVMC) was established by the United States Coast Guard (USCG), in accordance with Title 33 Part 160 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, as a single clearinghouse for submission and processing of notice of arrival and departure (NOAD) information for vessels entering U.S. ports and facilities. • PSIX Vessel Search ... Only those vessels with Coast Guard contacts between the dates above will be displayed.
Search… When you start a look up the USCG database, you will see a very basic looking page that requires you to fill in either the documentation number of the vessel or the name of the vessel. Missions Currently selected. Background. ** No data found matching your search criteria ** This query program only retrieves data about vessels which are craft that are 5 net tons or larger and are documented by the USCG. Container Inspection Training and Assistance Team (CITAT)
LANDINGS Landings data also available through API.
Using The Coast Guard Lookup Service.
The ON stays with it for its lifetime.
Our USCG database search is designed as a preliminary resource for anyone with an interest in the documentation aspects of a particular vessel... and it's completely free.
Year (Value Required) Region Type. For more about USCG form 1258 and so many others: (866) 981-8783 Vessel Certification Division of the National Pollution Funds Center ... are subject to routine monitoring, interception, and search, and may be disclosed or used for any USG-authorized purpose. Recreational.
commandant (cg-dco) u.s. coast guard headquarters 2703 martin luther king jr ave se stop 7318 washington dc 20593-7318 202-372-2000 VESSEL INFORMATION VERIFICATION SERVICE (VIVS) The VIVS is a NAVCEN web service that allows you to retrieve a vessel’s broadcasted AIS static data, i.e Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI), call sign, name, number, dimensions, draft, type, and positioning source, received within our NAIS coverage area*. We can help you to find out more about the boat that you will be using, and also to discover any details about the boat that you might have missed when attempting to search by yourself. The United States Coast Guard, often referred to as the USCG, maintains a database of all commercial vessels in the United States and any large recreational vessels that wish to be part of the national registry.
In order to check current Case Processing Dates, please see "NVDC Case Processing Report" located at the bottom of our Home Page.
To display details of a record, click on "View" to the left of each record.
Please provide your specific vessel information in at least one of the search fields below. Boating Safety. Paperwork Status Inquiry. Commercial. This will provide readers with a basic idea of what the U.S. Coast Guard has on record with regard to a vessel's documentation status. The NVMC has functioned continuously since October 2001. * You must select at least one requested field.
Craft less than 5 net tons ("boats") are numbered by individual states. The official website for the U.S. Coast Guard. State Landed (Value Required) Species (Value Required) Search in Species. Once you have typed in this information, you can then request that the Coast Guard perform a search for this vessel.
User Log In: User ID: Password: Forgot Password: DISCLAIMER Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this web site is strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Name: Call Sign: MMSI: IMO: US Official No.